Maria, Spain

Maria, Spain

Maria, Spain, lives in England.

Talking about how she would imagine an ideal EU:
“I don’t believe in borders. And the European Union means that we have borders, but not so much. So that means, I can go to Germany and live there, if I want to. Or go to Amsterdam and live there for work. We have this feeling of being siblings and I think that’s really positive.

But in general, I have mixed feelings because I don’t think it’s fair how they do some stuff – it’s not like the typical thing “Oh, we are Spain, we don’t have money and they are not giving us enough money”. It’s not like that, it’s more the thing that the powerful countries have more control over programs and decisions. They don’t always look at all countries which are in the European Union. And not only for the countries in the EU but also the countries that are not part of the European Union. Like with the refugees. I think we should do more to help others.

So, a perfect EU for me would be a place where we could vote on the same level and we help each other. Even though it’s like: “Oh, the rich countries are helping the poor ones”. Well, in the end of your daily life, you try to help your friends if they don’t have the same tools to achieve things as you do. So, it would be a place where we would all live together as siblings. Equally.”

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