Tag: Food

Welcome to Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland is a small country, belongs to the United Kingdom, not to Great Britain. That’s what we’ve learned. We did not know much about Northern Ireland before we were visiting, but now we know: worth a visit! The nature and all the cliffs are really impressive and the people mostly friendly. Let’s give you…
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Food, interviews and other fundamental needs

An important topic for us is food. In many regards. Firstly, we like eating. Secondly, we cook pretty much and all different kinds of dishes. Thirdly, we try to save food here and there. Fourthly, we try to survive on a low budget which includes trying to not spend much money on food. The solution…
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Preparing food

As explained before, we are not able to spend too much money on the road. When our savings are used up, it means for us that the journey is over. That’s why we decided to prepare as much food as possible before the trip – out of saved food so that we avoid spending money…
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